Today, I remembered Awa.
I first saw Awa's face and heard her story more than a year ago. This courageous woman from rural Senegal nearly died giving birth on a dirt floor -- all alone. Awa hardly remembers the bumpy motorbike ride over mountains and rivers to the nearest health post. Nor does she remember the two days there and how expensive it was -- almost $2 per day. She's forgotten about how she returned to her hut, curled up on the dirt floor, and nearly bled to death from a postpartum infection.
But I remember.
Unfortunately, this story is not uncommon in rural Senegal. In fact, it's not uncommon in a lot of places. Every 90 seconds, somewhere in the world, a woman dies from pregnancy or childbirth related complications. This staggering statistic seems futile, except for when I encounter organizations like WOMEN'S WORLD HEALTH INITIATIVE.
In just a few years, WWHI has already begun implementing life-saving programs for women like Awa. Here are just a few of the many ways WWHI is making a difference:
- Supplying health posts with essential equipment, such as basic suturing kits, hand-held Dopplers that monitor a fetus's heart, and mobile ultrasound machines.
- Empowering girls and women by offering classes on topics ranging from life skills, sexual reproduction, hygiene and nutrition.
- Partnering with local healthcare workers and companies to undergo large-scale studies on anemia, a major contributor to poor pregnancies.
WWHI is now competing for $1 million in the American Giving Awards presented by JP Morgan Chase. Winning Round 1 gives a minimum of $125,000 and a chance at $1 million in Round 2. I support WWHI, and hope you'll do the same.
Help WWHI win $1 million. VOTE NOW.
(And spread the word!)